Araling Panlipunan and Technology and Livelihood Education Project


  • Orino, Juno Patrick
  • Martillano, Ann Rose Jessica
  • Nidea, Kristine Antonette
  • Quirante, Dan Edmond
  • Manalang, Von Gabriel
Category: Travel and Cuisine
Place to Visit: Pamukid, San Fernando, Camarines Sur (Manalang's Poultry Farm)
Date: September 20, 2010 (either half or whole day)

  •   To find out the status of poultry farm industry in Bicol, specifically in certain municipalities Camarines Sur.
  •   To show how the poultry farm business circulates as an industry.
  •   To prove the extent of productivity of poultry products such as eggs, white meat, etc.
  •   To learn the different basic or unique, native cuisines that can be made from eggs or meat of chicken.
  •   To explain the basics of having poultry farm business to people, especially to those who are interested or planning to have this as a source of income.
Tentative Budget Expenses (estimated):
  •          Transportation to San Fernando (back and forth) – the group will utilize the service of Manalang’s family.
  •          Foods- bring their own baon
  •        Accommodation- free
  •         Others
Plan for the video presentation:
  • It has a short storyboard to aid us in introducing the topic with a little cook show to emphasize the cuisines from poultry farm products.
  • We will try to put a little animation for the output to be a kind of entertaining. 
Methodology and Team Profile
        Method of Research:
  • Interviewing the Manager of the Poultry Farm.
  • Walking around with the Manager showing us the Poultry Farm.

Team Profile

Juno Patrick Oriño

 Work: Director and Actor
Age: 16
Description: Tall, Dark and Handsome

Von Gabriel Manalang

Work: Actor and Service Transportation
Age: 16
Description: Cute, oh so cute.

Dan Quirante

Work: Cameraman
Description: a not so typical hothead.

Ann Rose Jessica Martillano

Work: Asst. Camerawoman and script writer
Description: Clumsy yet extremely clever

Kristine Antonette Nidea

Work: Actress and scriptwriter
Description: Mysterious, but beautiful.

date Monday, September 13, 2010

Our project is a collaboration of various subjects. It includes Arts, Research, Araling Panlipunan, Technology and Livelihood Education, etc.


  • Von Gabriel Manalang
  • Ann Rose Jessica Martillano
  • Kristine Antonette Nidea
  • Juno Patrick Orino
  • Dan Edmund Quirante
Location: Poultry farm at San Fernando,Camarines Sur

Objectives: To find out essential information about the poultry farm industry, specifically in Bicol Region.

date Sunday, September 12, 2010

     San Fernando
 is a 4th class municipality in the province of Camarines SurPhilippines with 6600 hectares in land area. It is 
administratively subdivided into 22 barangays.
        San Fernando has it's Agricultural Sector, this includes:
                 1) Main Product: Rice
                 2) Fishery and Aquatic resources include Hito, dalag, martinico, carps, tilapia,eel
                 3) Fish and mirapina which thrive in fresh water
                 4) Backyard poultry and piggery are also being practiced

   As you can see, the backyard  poultry and piggery are being practiced here in San Fernando. This is one   of the factors we chose this location for our project. Specifically in Brgy. Pamukid, where a poultry farm is located, our group, the chickenIni, decided to explore for our project. 

date Saturday, September 11, 2010

  • Poultry farming is the practice of raising chickens, turkeys, ducks and other fowl for meat or eggs.                                                                                                                                                                                 (In the case of Manalang's farm, they raise chickens.)
  • Poultry farms can be:                                                                                                                                     1.  Breeding farms where they raise poultry for meat; or,                                                                                              2. Layer farms where they produce eggs.                                                                                                                  (The type of farm that they (Manalang) operate is the breeding farms, where they raise poultry as meat)


        Chickens are one of the major sources of animal meat, aside from pork and fish. As a business, they offer an opportunity for people to earn big that’s why there are many poultry farms out there. One of the major customers for poultry farms are the major fast-food companies, although some of them have their own chicken farms to supply their needs.

        It all started as a backyard enterprise which later on grew and formed large farming operation. Among the animal enterprises in the Philippines, chickenbroiler and egg production are most progressive nowadays. Yet, in spite of the growth of poultry industry, its problem also continues to grow. Critical problems such as poultry diseases and parasites should be given proper attention. To avoid unnecessary expenses in managing their poultry farms, poultry raisers must learn how to properly take care of their stocks.

Starting UP

Setting up a poultry farm requires a lot of money, as poultry farming requires an expanse of land a hectare wide. You would also have to procure a large herd of chickens that are more than hundreds in number in order to generate the proper returns in income.

Tip for the Day:

Care during Hot weather- Hot weather can stress birds, and so their production of eggs is affected. If it is too hot, fowls gasp for air. For fowls, it is necessary to provide more drinking water than usual during hot weather. Providing more fats in the meals of chicken instead of pure corn is more appropriate as this will help cool their bodies. Also, giving fat during hot weather can help the chicken gain more weight.

date Friday, September 10, 2010

Chicken broiler and egg production are the most progressive animal enterprises in the Philippines today. The poultry industry in fact began as a backyard enterprise but has shifted to the formation of very large integrated contract farming operations. The growth of tile poultry industry in the Philippines has indeed been impressive but its problems including inefficient management and the prevalence of many destructive poultry diseases and parasites cannot be ignored. This manual provides technology and management know-how for poultry raising which we hope present poultry raisers and prospective poultry producers may find useful in effectively managing their poultry farms and also help them realize substantial financial returns from their enterprises in this period of high production cost inputs.
Chicken Breeds/Stock to Raise
The following Call be used as a guide in selecting the foundation stock to
  • Stock should only be purchased from a reliable hatchery or franchised dealer where the parent stocks are well-housed and well-managed.
  • The kind of stock to buy depends upon the purpose for which it is going to be raised.
  • Chicks should be tree from diseases and deformities.
  • Chicks should have uniform size and color and in the case of broiler chicks should not be less than 33 grams at day-old.
  • For a start, a popular strain raised in the community can be selected as it is an indication of the bird’s good performance under existing farm conditions.
  • For broilers, choose those that have high livability and are fast growers.
  • For layers, choose those that have good egg size, high egg production and long productive
More Tips in Caring for Chicks, Chickens and Layers
Care of birds and fowl in hot weather – Birds and fowls are more suited to cold than to hot weather. They lay more eggs in cold weather because they are not stressed. Fowls do not perspire but they pant for breath and need much drinking water in hot weather..
Care of chicks – The first week in newly hatched chicks is important. It is here that the health of the fowl depends, to give it good price. These first seven days is 15% of the growth and life of a growing chick. In the natural way, the mother hen teaches the chicks, as they go about together…
Chicken – Instead of providing more ventilation or cooling devices in chicken coops during hot weather, give more fat in their meals instead of pure corn so as to cool their bodies. Chicken given fat gain weight more quickly than those given pure carbohydrates (corn) only…
Ammonia – toxic for chicks – Like children, growing chicks easily get infected with disease. In coops where they are reared, respiratory sicknesses are common when they are crowded and ventilation is poor. This is because of ammonia, a gas that is emitted by the decaying feces of the chicks…
Good layers – Layers will lay eggs regularly if they are kept away from noise and disturbances. The effect of noise and disturbances on 4,000 layers was studied by four scientists from the University of Zagreb, Yugoslavia. When a strong electric bell was sounded, the number of eggs laid was decreased…
Poor layers – Poor layers cost food and space, and so should be removed. The marks of a poor layer are: The comb is pale, dry and withdrawn at the top and below the throat. the eyes are dim. The hen is thin and inactive…
Gathering of eggs – Gather the eggs 3 times a day or more in hot weather. Eggs easily spoil in a warm surrounding. Put the eggs in a basket or container. Sort the eggs according to size…
Salt: increases egg laying – The sodium content of salt is necessary for egg laying. But this element is not provided in commercial feeds because it will increase the cost. To enable the hen to produce well, mix 200 gms of salt for every 2 sacks of feed…
Light for good egg laying – Light is important in the setting up of a coop for layers. It has much to do in the maturation of the growing layers and their capability to lay plenty…
Strong egg shells – According to studies in the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, a laying hen given Vitamin D when feed bears stronger egg shells than those not given Vitamin D. Several groups of layers were given different doses of Vitamin D3 (calciferol, derived from the fish liver oil)…
Uses of egg shells – According to researchers from Brent School, Baguio City, egg shells have certain uses that are not benefited from, such as: Fertilizer – egg shells contain calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur…
Feed for chicken – Watermelon rind. Researchers at UP Los Baños fed watermelon rind to chickens for 6 months. These were compared to chicken given ordinary commercial feed. They observed that commercial feeds can be replaced with watermelon rind up to 20%…
Soap powder for chicken – According to farmers with long experience in chicken raising, mixing powder soap with the feed increases the weight of the chicken more than does the adding of feed. This is because detergent aids in the process of digestion in the chicken, reduces fat, and suppresses some parasites in the intestinal tract…

date Monday, August 23, 2010


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